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Creates an identity scale; a special case of a linear scale, where input is mapped to itself (input limits = output range). An identity scale is useful in cases where input data is already expressed in a visual representation (e.g. a line width) and should be used as-is.


scale_identity(col, na_value = 0, col_label = "{.col}", legend = TRUE)



<name | string> The name of the column containing data to be scaled. Must be a valid input to rlang::ensym(); either a named column (non-standard evaluation), a string. Supports tidy-eval.


<number> The output value for NA input values.


<string | function> A template string or a label function for customising the column name in the legend.

  • if col_label is a string, {.col} may be used to represent the col name

  • if col_label is a function, the function must take a single argument: the col name


<boolean> Indicate whether the legend should be displayed for this scale.


Identity scales are almost equivalent to an accessor to a numeric column; differences are:

  • NA is replaced with na_value

  • May render a numeric legend